Prokeš maneuver

L. Prokeš, 1939
a b c d e f g h
8 8
7 7
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
a b c d e f g h
White to play and draw

The Prokeš maneuver is a tactic in chess that enables a rook to draw against two advanced pawns in a chess endgame. Ladislav Prokeš composed an endgame study in 1939 which illustrated the Prokeš maneuver for the first time.[1] The solution begins

1.Kg4 e2
2.Rc1+ Kd4
3.Kf3 d2

and Black threatens to promote a pawn, which would win. But White forces the draw with

4.Rc4+! Kd3
5.Rd4+! Kxd4
6.Kxe2 Kc3
7.Kd1 Kd3 stalemate.

The idea is that, by vacating the c1 square on the fourth move, White's rook prevents Black's pawn from capturing on the c1 square. The white king is then able to reach the d1 square, stopping the pawn. The position after 6.Kxe2 is drawn, see king and pawn versus king endgame.


  1. ^ Article by Tim Krabbe (See Diagram 12.) Viewed 6 August 2007
